

the most beautiful fish in the world

1. Mandarin Fish

Scientifically known as Synchiropus splendidus, the mandarin fish, is also one of the most stunningly beautiful and interesting fish in the ocean. They could well be the most distinct patterned creature you have ever seen when you dive.

The mandarinfish is a popular photographic subject due to its striking beauty and interesting habits. An extremely small and shy tropical fish, it can be a tricky photographic subject, coming in and out of view, appearing only briefly at dusk to mate and seemingly wishing to avoid any bright light.

Mandarinfish are shy and mostly passive. Normally they are found inhabiting broken coral rubble beds or under dead coral. They are so shy that any heavy breathing or movement will scare them away back to their shelters. They are usually found in groups or in pairs on reef crests and slopes in sheltered lagoons throughout much of the Western Pacific and in the Coral Triangle of biodiversity, which includes Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Australia.

2. Juvenile Emporer Angel Fish

They are stunning as juveniles or as adults. Juveniles have white concentric rings all over their deep blue bodies. It is the adults that really catch the eye of the onlooker. Its body is a dark blue/purple with horizontal yellow lines streaking towards its tail. It wears a black mask outlined by neon blue across its eyes.

All large angelfish have the potential to become really big bullies in captivity. The emperor angelfish is aggressive towards other large angels and very hostile towards fishes of the same species.
It generally leaves fishes from outside the Pomacanthidae family alone but might go after fishes a large or with the same overall body shape as itself.

3. Lion Fish

A Lionfish is any of several species of venomous marine fish in the genera Pterois, Parapterois, Brachypterois, Ebosia or Dendrochirus, of the family Scorpaenidae. The lionfish is also known as the Turkey Fish, Scorpion or Fire Fish. They are notable for their extremely long and separated spines, and have a generally striped appearance, red, green, navy green, brown, orange, yellow, black, maroon, or white.

Reefs and rocky areas of the Indio-pacific waters is where the Lionfish calls home. They have however made their way to the eastern coast of the United States, although no one is really sure how they got there. The only real rumor as to why the fish got so very far from home is that aquarium owners released the fish and they started to propagate on the coast. Again, this is purely speculation though and has never been proven.

4. Clown Trigger Fish
The Clown Triggerfish has a dramatic coloration, making this species a most sought after addition to the home aquarium. The Clown Triggerfish is found along the inner and outer portions of a reef in the wild, wherever shellfish and other invertebrates are found.

Among the most colorful, the Clown Triggerfish is also one of the most aggressive commonly kept inhabitants of an aquarium. Care should be taken in selecting its tank mates, choosing other aggressive, large fish. The tank decor should also be chosen based on the propensity of the Clown Triggerfish to rearrange it.
The Clown Triggerfish needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.

5. Nudibranch

A nudibranch  is a member of what is now a taxonomic clade, and what was previously a suborder, of soft-bodied, shell-less marine opisthobranch gastropod mollusks, which are noted for their often extraordinary colors and striking forms. The clade Nudibranchia is the largest clade within the heterobranchs, with more than 3,000 described species.

6. Symphysodon

Symphysodon are a genus of three species of cichlid freshwater fishes native to the Amazon River basin. Discus are popular as aquarium fish and their aquaculture in several countries in Asia is a major industry.

7. Mantis Shrimp

Mantis shrimp or stomatopods are marine crustaceans, the members of the order Stomatopoda. They are neither shrimp nor mantids, but receive their name purely from the physical resemblance to both the terrestrial praying mantis and the shrimp. They may reach 30 centimetres (12 in) in length, although exceptional cases of up to 38 cm (15 in) have been recorded. The carapace of mantis shrimp covers only the rear part of the head and the first three segments of the thorax. Mantis shrimp appear in a variety of colours, from shades of browns to bright neon colours. Although they are common animals and among the most important predators in many shallow, tropical and sub-tropical marine habitats they are poorly understood as many species spend most of their life tucked away in burrows and holes.

 8.Moorish Idol Fish

The moorish idol, Zanclus cornutus, is a small marine fish species, the sole representative of the the Family  Zanclidae  in order Perciform. A common inhabitant of tropical to subtropical reefs and lagoons, the moorish idol is notable for its wide distribution throughout the Indo-Pacific. A number of butterflyfishes  closely resemble the moorish idol.

9. Clownfish

Clownfish or anemonefish are fishes from the subfamily Amphiprioninae in the family Pomacentridae. About twenty-nine species are recognized, one in the genus Premnas, while the remaining are in the genus Amphiprion. In the wild they all form symbiotic mutualisms with sea anemones. Depending on species, clownfish are overall yellow, orange, reddish, or blackish, and many show white bars or patches. The largest reach a length of 18 centimetres (7.1 in), while the smallest barely reach 10 centimetres. 

10. Rainbow Parrot Fish

Named Parrot fish because of their calcareous bird-like beaks. Parrot fish use these beaks to crush and eat the small invertebrates that live in coral. Much of the sand and sea floor of coral reefs are actually remains of meals from the parrot fish, they chew the coral, eat the invertebrates and spit out the leftover calcium. In most species, the initial phase is dull red, brown or grey, while the terminal phase is vividly green or blue with bright pink or yellow patches. The remarkably different terminal and initial phases were first described as separate species in several cases, but there are also some species where the phases are similar.

Smartest People in the World

Judging how smart a person is can be a very subjective matter. Does their IQ score make them the smartest? Or is it more about accomplishments? The debate over this likely will never cease. Below, though, took a look at 10 people (in no particular order) nobody would deny are worthy of being called some of the smartest people alive today.


Whether you agree or disagree with them, IQ tests are the most commonly accepted measure of intelligence. Fifty percent of people have IQ scores between 90 and 110, 2.5 percent of people are mentally deficient/impaired (under 70 IQ), 0.5 percent of people are near genius or genius (over 140,) 2.5 percent of people are very superior in intelligence (over 130).
Here is their list of 10 of the smartest people alive today:

1.Paul Allen is alleged to have an IQ of 160

Paul Gardner Allen (born January 21, 1953) is an American investor and philanthropist, best known as the co-founder, with Bill Gates. Alleged to have nabbed a perfect 1600 on the pre-1995 SAT, Allen beat out his Microsoft partner Bill Gates by 10 points, and according to the Megafoundation is reputed to have an IQ of 160.

Allen must be smart to have convinced IBM, in 1980, that five year old Microsoft had a Disk Operating System which would work on Intel chips when it didn't. It was the pivotal move leading to the IBM contract, which has defined personal computing ever since.

Age: 58
Nationality: American
Job: Chairman, Vulcan Inc.

2.Stephen W. Hawking is alleged to have an IQ of 160

In an interview with MSNBC Hawking said: "People who boast about their IQ are losers." However, his IQ is widely rumored to be 160.  By his own account Hawking didn't learn to read until he was eight and went to University College, Oxford, where his two lackluster final exam scores required a third, oral exam.

After being diagnosed with ALS, he declined taking a doctorate as he didn't expect to live long enough to make it worthwhile. Though his life expectancy exceeded his expectations, concerns that the disease would diminish his genius prompted Hawking to take the Mensa test to confirm his intellect remained unaffected.

Age: 69
Nationality: English
Job : Theoretical physicist and cosmologist

3.Robert Byrne is alleged to have an IQ of 170

Byrne first showed his genius on the chess board in New York City and was one of the "Collins Kids," along with Bobby Fisher, taught by 20th century chess great John W. Collins. According to Career and Test Byrne is reported to have an IQ of 170. He was the chess columnist for the New York Times from 1972 until his retirement in 2006, at 78.

Age: 83
Nationality: American
Job: Professor, writer Chess Grandmaster

4.Judit Polgar is alleged to have an IQ of 170
The strongest female chess player in history, Polgar beat Bobby Fisher to become the youngest Grandmaster ever at 15 years, 5 months -- asserts she has an IQ of 170.

Polgar's father educated his three daughters at home with chess as the central subject. Judit is an International Master and her two sisters are Grandmasters. The experiment belied the assumption that women were naturally weaker players, and strengthened the nurture over nature argument.

Age: 35
Nationality: Hungarian
Job: Chess Grandmaster, mother

5. Jacob Barnett has a verified IQ of 170

Jake didn't talk until he was almost three years old, when he started reciting the alphabet forward and backward. According to the Indianapolis Star he has an IQ of 170*.

At three, his parents took him to a planetarium where he responded correctly to a question about the gravitational pull of Mar's upon its moons, stunning the audience. He is currently a student at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

His YouTube video, talking about Einstein's Theory of Relativity is worth watching. Calculus on the window in the bedroom isn't bad either.

Age: 12
Nationality: American
Job: Student Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

6. Sir Andrew Wiles is alleged to have an IQ of 170

In 1995, Wiles proved a 358 year old mathematical theory called Fermat's Last Theorem, which until then was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the "most difficult math problem" in the world -- according to Browse Biography he has an IQ of 170.

Proving the theorem also granted Wiles a small measure of popular celebrity. He was mentioned in an episode of Star Trek and in the second and third books of Stieg Larsson's popular trilogy.
He was knighted in 2000.

Age: 58
Nationality: English
Job: Mathematics professor: Princeton

7. Benjamin Netanyahu is alleged to have an IQ of 180

Benjamin Netanyahu was listed as number 11 on The World's 50 Most Influential Figures 2010, by The New Statesman and according to, has an IQ of 180.Netanyahu left MIT in 1973 to fight in the Yom Kippur War, when hostilities concluded he returned and earned a Architecture.
Age: 62
Job: Politician

8. Bobby Fischer was alleged to have an IQ of 180
Fischer is credited with having an incredible memory and took the Stanford-Binet IQ test at his high school, in Brooklyn where, according to, he scored 180. Fischer was absolutely a troubled genius with renowned mental health problems, and he may also have been the world's most intelligent outlaw.

Against a U.S.Department of State 1992 order, Fischer played a rematch against Boris Spassky in Yugoslavia, then under economic sanctions, and remained a wanted man the rest of his life.

Born: March 9, 1943 -- Died January 17, 2008 at 64.
Nationality: American
Job: Chess Grandmaster, writer

9. John H. Sununu is alleged to have an IQ of 180

Sununu is a member of the Mega Society -- whose membership is composed of those with IQ's in the 99.9999th percentile -- one in a million, and is rumored by NNDB to have an IQ of 180.

Sununu became famous for his abuses of government travel while George H.W. Bush's Chief of Staff from 1989-1991, and was mentioned as recently as 2009 in the Family Guy episode: A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Bucks.

Age: 72
Nationality: Cuban
Job: Mechanical engineer, politician

10. James Woods is alleged to have an IQ of 180

Woods was a brilliant student who achieved a perfect 800 on the verbal and 779 on the math portions of the pre-1995 SAT. He attended MIT on scholarship and was described by IMDb as having an IQ of 180.
Woods enrolled in a linear algebra course at UCLA while still in high school before accepting the full scholarship to MIT.

Age: 64
Nationality: American
Job: Actor

11. Marilyn vos Savant has a verified IQ of 186
In 1985, The Guinness Book of World Records accepted vos Savant's IQ score of 190, and according to, crowned her the woman with the highest IQ for five consecutive years -- she has tested as high as 228 on various IQ tests.

vos Savant was an outspoken critic of fellow genius, Andrew Wiles' Fermat Theorem, and wrote a book in 1993 asserting his methodology in the proof was flawed. In 1995, following accusations that she did not fully understand various mathematical theories, she retracted her assertions and allowed for Wiles' methods.

Age: 64
Nationality: American
Job: Author

12. Garry Kasparov is alleged to have an IQ of 190

In 2003 Kasparov played to a draw against a chess computer that could calculate three million positions per second.
According to a German study found Kasparov to have an IQ of 135, other sources put the number as high as 190.

Kasparov contends that IBM cheated during the computerized match where he was defeated by Deep Blue in 1997. He said he saw, "deep intelligence and creativity" in the computers moves that could only have come from human assistance.
IBM denied the allegation, refused to provide Kasparov with log files from the game, and retired the machine -- proof to Kasparov of "evidence tampering."

Age: 47
Nationality: Azerbaijanian
Job: Chess Grandmaster, writer, political activist

13. Philip Emeagwali is alleged to have an IQ of 190

Emeagwali left school in 1967, at 13, to fight in the Nigerian-Biafran war, completed a self-study high school equivalency, got a B.S. in Math from Oregon State and three Master's Degrees in Math, Environmental and Marine Engineering from various schools.

He was reported by Sahara Reporters as having an IQ of 190.Emeagwali sat for his Ph.D at the University of Michigan from 1987-1991, but when he was denied the degree he sued UM school for racial discrimination.The case made it to the Michigan Court of Appeals where it was finally dismissed.

Age: 56
Nationality: Nigerian Job: Writer, speaker

14. Christopher Michael Langan has a verified IQ of 195

Langan achieved a perfect score on the SAT, but dropped out of Montana State University after concluding his professors weren't qualified to teach him anything -- ABC's 20/20 measured his IQ between 195 and 210.

Langan began talking at six months, and taught himself to read when he was three.
He says he lived a double life for years, manual labor during the day and complex equations in his head at night.

Age: 59
Nationality: American
Job: Construction worker, cowboy, forest service firefighter, farmhand, bouncer and writer

15. Kim Ung-Yong has a verified IQ of 210

Yong could speak fluently at six months old and was a guest student in physics at Hanyang University by the time he was three.
He was described by Oddee as having the Guinness Book of World Records set his IQ at 210.
After leaving NASA at 16, he was offered enrollment at Korea's most prestigious universities, instead Yong chose a provincial college to earn his PhD in Civil Engineering.
As of 2007 he also serves on the adjunct faculty at Chungbuk National University.

Age: 49
Nationality: Korean
Job: Civil engineer

16. Christopher Hirata has a verified IQ of 225

Hirata skipped middle school and at 16 was working with NASA on project exploring the possibility of colonizing Mars.The Daily Princetonian, Princeton's student paper, where Hirata began attending for his PhD in Astrophysics at 18, reported that his IQ is around 225.

Age: 29
Nationality: American
Job: Assistant Professor, Astrophysics, Cal Tech

17. Terrence Tao has a verified IQ of 230

At eight years old, Tao achieved a score of 760 on the pre-1995 SAT, received a Ph.D from Princeton at 20 and at 24 became the youngest ever full professor at UCLA. His IQ is pegged at between 220 and 230 by the Davidson Institute. Tao says he learned to read by watching Sesame Street in Western Australia.

Age: 35
Nationality: Australian
Job: Mathematician

18. William James Sidis is alleged to have had an IQ of 275

With an IQ between 250 and 300, Sidis has one of the highest intelligence quotients ever recorded. Entering Harvard at the ago of 11, he was fluent in more than 40 languages by the time he graduated and worked his way into adulthood. Embittered over a 1918 arrest under the Sedition Act, Sidis spent the years from 1921 till his death at 46 in 1944 running adding machines and doing only menial tasks.

Nationality: Ukrainian American
Job: Psychiatrist